Over the summer I started taking quilting classes and really enjoyed it- always thinking of my mother and grandmother, as both were great quilters.
I chose these fabrics for Anson because they remind me so much of him and his taste in clothing and design. Even the sashing in the quilt has writing on it with formulas and calculations throughout the design. Many of the fabric designs were very organic in feel- and no one loves organic anything more than Anson. (I’m somewhat concerned that he might try to eat the quilt because he is always seeking out organic foods.)
This is a quilt that I really enjoyed selecting the fabrics for. The women at the shop were concerned that it would never work out because there wasn’t enough contrast, however that didn’t stop me. I’ve really taken to the whole Steampunk movement and this is very reflective of it. When I took the quilt back to the shop they couldn’t believe it and nothing could have pleased me more! Many of the shops are very set in their ways and not receptive to breaking tradition.